KNI postdoctoral scholar Mohammad Mirhosseini will be the newest faculty member of the Electrical Engineering department at Caltech.
Dr. Mohammad Mirhosseini will join Caltech's department of Electrical Engineering as assistant professor in September 2020. Mirhosseni's research centers on the experimental aspects of quantum engineering. His current research focuses on developing and combining superconducting circuits with chip-based phononic and photonic devices at milikelvin temperatures. The long term research goal for his group is to realize interfaces between circuit quantum electrodynamics and quantum optics for applications in quantum computing, communication, and sensing.
Mohammad was appointed KNI Prize postdoctoral scholar in 2016 where he joined the lab of Professor Oskar Painter. During this time, Mohammad investigated the entanglement of superconducting qubits via microwave wave-guides and developed integrated devices for interfacing qubits with traveling photons.
Prior to Caltech, Mohammad received his PhD from the Institute of Optics at University of Rochester, where he worked on quantum communication with structured photons. He received his B.S. in Physics and Electrical Engineering from University of Tehran.
Congratulations, Mohammad!