Chiara Daraio and Andrei Faraon are appointed KNI board members.
The KNI is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to its faculty board: Chiara Daraio, professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Physics, and Andrei Faraon, professor of Applied Physics.
The Faraon lab develops nano-photonic technologies for devices that operate close to the fundamental limit of light-matter interaction. Quantum photonics applications include on-chip optical quantum memories, single optically-addressable quantum bits, quantum conversion of photons in different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Classical nano-photonics applications include micron-thick optical devices for free-space optics, ultra-fast optical beam steering, ultra-compact microscopy.
The Daraio group pursues three main areas of research: 1) developing a physical understanding of how stress propagates in nonlinear, ordered and disordered solid media at length scales ranging from nanometers to meters; 2) studing the fundamental connections between structure and function in different physical domains (temperature sensitivity, electrical conductivity, etc.), and 3) exploiting this understanding for the creation of new materials and devices for engineering applications ranging from optomechanics to shock absorption.
Both Daraio and Faraon are the recipients of numerous awards, including: Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (Daraio), Future World Leader, Science and Technology in Society forum (Daraio), ONR Young Investigator Award (Daraio, Faraon), NSF CAREER Award (Daraio, Faraon), 2018 Adolph Lomb Medal from Optical Society of America (Faraon), 2016 KNI-Wheatley Scholar (Faraon).
The KNI looks forward to the leadership and input its newest faculty board members will provide over the coming years.