This conference will focus on universal challenges and successes being realized in the nanoscience community in areas of Quantum Matter and Technology, Medical and Bio-Engineering, and Sustainability.
This conference will focus on universal challenges and successes being realized in Caltech's nanoscience community, members of which are currently pursuing research in areas of Quantum Matter and Technology, Medical and Bio-Engineering, and Sustainability. The event will commence with a public lecture on Thursday, January 23 at 8 pm.
Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis until filled. Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, and post-conference reception.
Conference Organizers Professors Nai-Chang Yeh and Keith Schwab, Co-Directors of the Kavli Nanoscience Institute at Caltech.
Public Lecture
Thursday, January 23, 8 pm, Beckman Institute Auditorium:
The Next Life of Silicon
The 20th century has been distinguished by the silicon-based information revolution, where bits are encoded as charges which are manipulated and stored via field effect transistors. The continued exponential growth of information technology based on straightforward extrapolations of this paradigm is not guaranteed, and there has therefore been a search for alternatives. The most celebrated are based on "new" forms of carbon, including nanotubes and graphene, although the underlying paradigm of charge manipulation remains unchanged. Another and more radical possibility is to exploit the quantum properties of spin and orbit rather than charge. While "exotic" materials have been successfully used to demonstrate some of the associated physics, silicon turns out to be an excellent host for the new effects. We describe here the underpinning science and the implications for future technologies.
Dr. Gabriel Aeppli
Director, London Centre for Nanotechnology
University College London
Registration is now closed.
Speakers Include: Gabriel Aeppli (London Centre for Nanotechnology), Harry Atwater (Caltech), Azita Emami (Caltech), Mory Gharib (Caltech), James R. Heath (Caltech), Jeff Kimble (Caltech), Oskar Painter (Caltech)
Friday, January 24: The format will be a series of half-hour presentations that focus on state-of-the-art techniques, applications, and issues surrounding our three topics. Each presentation will be followed by up to a half hour of discussion. To facilitate lively and constructive interchange after each presentation, a separate moderator will join each speaker to stimulate the post-presentation discussion.
Poster Session
Friday during lunch
Poster submission is now closed
A non-exclusive list of possible topics includes:
- Quantum Matter and Technology
- Novel Quantum States of Matter and Nano-Materials with Unique Functionalities
- Nano-Structures and Meta-Materials for Quantum Science and Technology
- Microscopic Quantum Optical Circuits
- Quantum Control of Strong Interactions of Single Atoms and Photons
- Medical and Bio-Engineering
- Nanotechnology-Based Medical Devices for Diagnostics and Health Monitoring
- Single Cell Proteomics for Fundamental and Clinical Applications in Oncology
- Bio-Inspired Circuits and Computational Systems
- Applications of Nanotechnology to Neurophysiology and Brain Research
- Sustainability
- Nano-Engineering for Advances in Photovoltaic and Fuel-Cell Technologies
- Nano-Engineering for Thermoelectric Materials and Technology
- Nanotechnology for Carbon Sequestration
- Molecular Engineering for Biofuels and Photosynthesis