Bloomberg interviews professor Ali Hajimiri to discuss his latest -- and perhaps boldest -- research project.
KNI-affiliated faculty member Ali Hajimiri recently sat down with Bloomberg to talk about his current research projects and how his childhood has helped shape the type of engineer he is today. Growing up in Iran, Ali loved to tinker with toys and learn how they were built. This inclination is what has helped shape his professional career as a professor at Caltech -- he believes "that the greatest innovations come from an active imagination".
Currently his group is integrating phased array techniques to develop a novel wireless technology that requires millions of tiny signals working in tandem for a space-based solar power project. This project is audacious in scale and concept - and has many skeptics, including Elon Musk. However, if proven successful, the alternative energy source will not only be sustainable, it will provide global access to energy. Hajimiri is working alongside fellow Caltech professors Harry Atwater and Sergio Pellegrino to turn this bit of science fiction into reality.
Watch the complete video here.